Thursday, March 6, 2014

Increase Definition in Stubborn Body Parts (Static Hold)

Did you know that using tricks like "static holds" and "power
isometrics" can help shape and sculpt your trouble spots??

In case you didn’t know, this is basically a series of "static"
muscular contractions that requires NO heavy weights or
equipment that you can do anytime, anywhere.

Bodybuilder and fitness models have been using this secret
for years and years now to get photo-shoot and stage-ready,
but for some strange reason it’s still not mainstream.

So even though there’s been published research and real
world results proving this stuff works, it’s hardly EVER talked

In fact, most people completely neglect this area of training
and it can have some pretty amazing benefits.
Here are 3 "isometric" exercises you can use to shape and
sculpt your trouble spots.
isometrics against the wall 1.jpg

isometrics plank 1.jpg

isometrics low back 1.jpg

Now you just have to make sure you use these 3 moves
in combination with exercise bursts that "release" fat-burning

Here’s just one of many examples you could use:
- Hold position one (Low Wall Chair Power Isometric) for 30 seconds.

- Perform 30 seconds of jump squats, mountain climbers or burpees.

- Hold position two (Top Pushup Position Power Isometric) for 30 seconds.

- Perform 30 seconds of jump squats, mountain climbers or burpees.

- Hold position three (Shoulder Bridge Power Isometric) for 30 seconds.

- Perform 30 seconds of jump squats, mountain climbers or burpees.

- Repeat this cycle 3-4 times
This can be done first thing in the morning, when you roll
out of bed a few days a week, on your off days, or after
any regular workout.

Of course, just like any strategy, it’s not a cure-all.

But with the 30-second bursts of exercises added in between,
it can help you release and burn off stubborn fat, by "targeting"
fat in the areas you’re isolating.

It’s especially effective for...
1: People who are already lean and want to increase muscle
definition and do some final toning to stubborn body parts.

2: Folks who have trouble contracting or "feeling" individual
muscle groups when trying to isolate individual body parts.

3: Busy people who struggle fitting in exercise sessions or
need a quick fix from home.  

So that's the awesome tip for the day!!  Please know that this is definitely NOT easy.  It may sound easy...but don't be fooled.  Be ready to sweat with this one...I promise you will feel it.

Friday, February 21, 2014

How to Take Body Measurements

Track Your Progress with a Measuring Tape


It's easy to get discouraged when you work so hard to lose weight and your efforts don't pay off on the scale. Seeing the same number week after week can make you want to drown your sorrows in a pint of Haagen-Daz. But wait! Before you pick up that spoon, take your measurements.

Body measurements can be a useful way to track your progress. Many times you'll see a loss of inches even if the scale isn't moving. To ensure accuracy, measure in exactly the same place and under the same conditions each time. Here are some instructions and tips to help you. When you're done measuring, you can track your measurements to see how your body changes over time!

Common Body Measurements

Bust: Place the measuring tape across your nipples and measure around the largest part of your chest. Be sure to keep the tape parallel to the floor.

Chest: Place the measuring tape just under your breasts/pecs and measure around the torso while keeping the tape parallel to the floor.

Waist: Place the measuring tape about a 1/2 inch above your bellybutton (at the narrowest part of your waist) to measure around your torso. When measuring your waist, exhale and measure before inhaling again.

Hips: Place the measuring tape across the widest part of your hips/buttocks and measure all the way around while keeping the tape parallel to the floor.

Thigh: Measure around the largest part of each thigh.

Calves: Measure around the largest part of each calf.

Upper arm: Measure around the largest part of each arm (above the elbow).

Forearm: Measure around the largest part of each arm (below the elbow).

Neck: Measure around the largest part of the neck.

Tips for Measuring

  • When taking measurements, stand tall with your muscles relaxed and your feet together.
  • When measuring, apply constant pressure to the tape (so it doesn't sag) without pinching the skin.
  • Use a flexible measuring tape, such as plastic or cloth.
  • Measure under the same conditions each time, such as wearing the same clothes (or none at all).
  • Measure yourself in front of a mirror to make sure the tape is positioned correctly. If possible, have someone else do the measuring for you.
  • The place to take some of these measurements will vary slightly from person to person. To ensure accuracy, just remember to take them in the same place on your body each time.
So don't let the scale get you down! Losing inches means you'll be wearing a smaller size in no time! Everyone will be commenting on how great you look and the number on the scale will suddenly seem a lot less important.

You are more than just a measly number!  Embrace your curves and work with what ya got!  We are not all meant to be stick-thin models in magazines--heck! Even they are not meant to be stick-thin models...(darn Photoshop).  Yes, they are flawed, as are we all.  Perfection was never meant for us...just be the best YOU you can be.

Enjoy life!


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Is Coffee a Health Food?

Is coffee a health food?

Dietitian says it's time to look at coffee in a new light

Coffee bean 

Cleveland, OH - Can't start your day without your morning coffee? Stop feeling guilty about it.
Experts say a cup of coffee not only provides a little pick-me-up, but you may also be pouring real health benefits into your mug each morning.

Studies have shown certain compounds in coffee can have a positive effect on our bodies.

Kristin Kirkpatrick is a registered dietitian at Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Institute. She says it may be time to look at coffee in a new light.

“We shouldn’t look at coffee as something that is not good for our health anymore," said Kirkpatrick. "There have been so many studies that show the benefits of coffee.  Coffee consumption has been linked to decreases in diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers.”

Kirkpatrick says researchers have linked coffee to a decrease in the risk of prostate cancer in men and endometrial cancer in women.

A 2012 study found a compound in coffee may block a substance that plays a role in the development of diabetes.

Kirkpatrick says coffee drinkers may also slow the development of dementia later in life and protect themselves against skin cancer. A couple of recent studies also found people who drink three or four cups of coffee per day tend to live longer.

Even decaffeinated coffee appears to provide some of the same protection, which may mean the benefits are in the bean.

“The benefit may be coming specifically from the coffee bean," said Kirkpatrick. "It has that rich, dark color. It is a plant-based food. A lot of times we forget about that, it is a bean.”

Kirkpatrick says two to three cups of coffee a day should be all you need to see the health benefits. She recommends drinking it black, since adding lots of sugar and cream adds fat and calories.

“If you want to spruce up your coffee you can do it with a little bit of skim milk, or some almond milk. If you absolutely have to have some sweetness, you can maybe try a little bit of Stevia," said Kirkpatrick.[1]

*For a mega health kick, be brave and try a dab of coconut oil in your coffee. 

Replacing processed coffee creamers with organic coconut oil is a smart move. Although it may sound strange, the result is actually quite delicious and highly nutritious. The combination of caffeine and saturated fat gives the body a great and lasting energy boost.

The best way to prepare a tropical twisted coffee drink is to brew a high quality organic cup of coffee and place it in a blender. Add in one tablespoon of organic coconut oil, blend and enjoy.

The resulting coffee drink is frothy and rich, with a wonderfully smooth taste that is very satisfying. If you like your coffee sweetened, add one teaspoon of coconut crystals.

Adding coconut oil to your coffee is a great way to supercharge and give your body a burst of energy to make it through the day. Not to mention all of the other amazing health benefits of coconut!

Those who have been using coconut oil for years never truly believed the lipid hypothesis that said saturated fat was bad for us. More and more evidence is being uncovered to say just the opposite.

Healthy saturated fat is not only good for us, but essential for numerous bodily functions. Coconut oil is described as one of the healthiest saturated fats on the earth.

Coconuts are revered all over the world for their amazing medical and nutritional properties. They have been used for ages by diverse cultures and races, all of whom respect the magnificent qualities of this tree-growing nut.

Modern medicine is finally coming alongside traditional medicine and echoing the amazing health benefits of coconut. Published studies in a number of prominent health journals note the benefits of various forms of coconut. Here are just a few of the amazing benefits of coconut that researchers are uncovering:
  • Kills viruses
  • Kills bacteria
  • Kills fungus and yeast
  • Boosts energy and endurance
  • Improves insulin secretion
  • Kills tapeworms, lice and other parasites
  • Reduces cavities
  • Prevents obesity
  • Softens skin
  • Protects skin from the sun
  • Controls dandruff
  • Prevents wrinkles[2]
What?!  Wait a minute!  Did she just say 'prevents wrinkles'??  Oh, say no more, Miss Coco Nut and Mr. Joe Coffee...I'm all in.  Just kidding, I'm a health nut, and the rest of this huge list is what's really driving me.  Besides all that, I'm so not a morning person...and ok, that's what's really driving me.  There, you got me.

So, don't feel guilty for this small morning pleasure.  Turns out, it's actually good for you!  Enjoy!




Wednesday, February 5, 2014

After Weight Loss, Now What?

This is one of the least talked about, yet most valuable parts of losing weight--maintaining the weight you lost.  Nobody wants to put in all the hard dedicated work of dieting and exercising only to gain it all back a few short months later.  It happens to the best of us.  It has happened to me more times than I'd like to admit.  It is truly a change of lifestyle that is necessary...whether we really want to accept that or not.  A change in our outlook of life, our mindset and relationship with food and nature as a whole has to be in line with our ultimate goals of optimal health and weight management.  Here are six tips to help you to not only lose weight, but keep it off forever.

Permanent weight loss can be as simple as getting ... - Natural News Mon, 03 Feb 2014 06:00:00 GMT

(NaturalNews) While losing weight can be relatively easy for most people who put their minds to it, keeping it off long term is another matter altogether. For most, lost weight will return over a relatively short time because the ...

Read more ...

And as always, come on back here when you're done and let's talk about it.

To your health...

Cancer is Hungry--Starve it!

Imagine a Cancer Treatment with virtually no side effects!  Could it be right under our noses?  Something as simple as making some possibly life-saving tweaks to our diet?  Well, there is definitely more than one way to skin a cat.
I want you to see this awesome interview by Lorie Johnson of CBN.  She and Pat Robertson speak on the benefits of the ketogenic diet, and how this diet actually destroys cancer cells.  Watch the entire 11 minute video which covers so many great topics, including why this kind of research is unknown to your doctor because it is diet-based and will not benefit the pharmaceutical companies.  She also covers the 'cholesterol myth' which has plagued our society for many years now.


Starving Cancer: Ketogenic Diet a Key to Recovery - Health ... Fri, 21 Jun 2013 07:00:00 GMT
A new cancer treatment has virtually no side effects, and can be used with other cancer treatments. It involves starving cancer cells of the fuel they the love.
Read more ...

Then come back and tell us your thoughts...

To your health.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Tips For Taking Care of Skin During Winter Revealed

Winter time can be hard on the skin, making it dry, flaky and itchy, but with proper care you can effectively banish your skin woes.

Dermatologist Rita Pichardo-Geisinger, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, provides tips that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine to help keep your skin and hair in prime condition.

First of all use a fragrance free soap because perfumes and additives can dry the skin which can lead to flaking and itching or exacerbate conditions like eczema.

It is also important to use a moisturising lotion after the shower because when you apply a moisturizer to damp skin right after showering, this helps seal in water to prevent skin from drying out.

"A moisturizer helps to act as a barrier of protection for your skin so look for one that has ceramides, a new technology that helps restore and protect the skin barrier," she said.

Next, keep the temperature at home on the cool side, not too warm, to avoid skin dehydration because if your home or workplace temperature is warm enough to make it feel like a sauna, you might be drying your skin out.

Do not forget to use a fragrance free detergent and liquid fragrance free conditioner for the clothes because some people with skin sensitivities can experience skin irritation or rash after wearing clothes washed in a detergent with fragrance additives.

Also, do not forget your moisturizing lotion with sunscreen for your face, even if it is winter time.
If lips get chapped, avoid cracking by using a lip balm with sunscreen to get the double benefit of smooth and protected lips, Rita asserted.

And, your hair can get dry in the wintertime too, so you might need to use a hydrating shampoo or an anti-frizz leave-in conditioner.

Lastly, tend to your toes and feet and treat them with good lactic acid creams that can help keep feet soft and supple.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Plateau Busters

Does this sound familiar?… You’ve been eating well and exercising steadily, and the pounds are flying off of you.

Then, all of a sudden, BAM! The scale seems stuck.  'It's broken, it has to be broken' (you think to yourself). 

And not just for one day, but for week after week. And, no matter how closely you follow your diet program, that scale Just Won’t Budge. 

Frustrating? Absolutely.

Impossible to manage? Absolutely not.

You’ve hit a plateau. Something that nearly everyone trying to lose weight experiences.

What’s going on?
A few factors fall into play when it comes to a plateau. Back when you first started your diet, the weight seemed to slide off, almost too easily. That’s because the “weight” coming off was mostly water.

As you cut calories, your body tapped into its stores of glycogen, a type of carbohydrate found in the muscles and liver. Glycogen holds on to water, so when glycogen is burned for energy, water comes off with it.

But there’s only so long that water-weight loss can continue, so after a few weeks, your weight loss slowed down as that water weight turned to actual fat loss. (And with it, some muscle mass came off as well).

Unfortunately, the less fat and muscle mass you have, the fewer calories your body needs to function.
In other words, now that you’re 160 pounds, you’re burning less energy walking up a flight of steps, reaching for the remote or doing a load of laundry than you did back when you weighed 180.

And that means you need fewer calories day to day… about 100 to 150 calories less… to maintain your leaner 160-pound body.

So you’ll need to either boost your activity or trim your food intake by the same amount to compensate.

Stop right there, put your hands in the air and step away from the cookie jar!
I know it’s frustrating, but all is not lost. This is the time you’ve got to dig deep and do something differently. And if that approach doesn’t work, switch it up again.

The good thing is that there are dozens of diet divergences you can try to get that scale moving again.

Here are seven strategies you can test out:

Plateau Buster #1: Write it down
When you’re getting close to your goal, you may unwittingly get a little sloppy. Now’s a good time to record everything you put in your mouth over the course of a few days.

That means everything. Yes, your daughter’s leftover chicken nuggets (even just a few nibbles!), the taste of your husband’s chocolate cake (worth every calorie!) and the macaroni and cheese that would have gone bad in the fridge had you not eaten it (eh, could have done without that).

By seeing it in print, you may realize that you’re taking in more calories than you thought.

Plateau Buster #2: Cut the Cocktails
Many dieters don’t realize that alcohol has a lot of calories. A glass or two of wine a night can easily total over 1,000 calories over the course of a week.

And mixed drinks? Aside from the alcohol itself, the fruit juice added can add up to inches around your waistline. Try cutting out alcohol altogether for a week or two and see if the scale goes down.

Plateau Buster #3: Try Carb Cycling
Carb what? Sure it sounds fancy, but carb cycling is pretty simple. It’s eating more carbohydrates on some days to fill up your glycogen stores to fuel muscle-building exercise, and fewer carbohydrates on other days to help boost fat burning.

Here’s what it would look like:

On low-carb days, stick to plenty of protein and good fats. For carbs, choose non-starchy vegetables and whole fruits (preferably berries)—no grains on those days at all.

On higher carb days, maintain your high protein intake, but reduce your fat intake to allow for more carbs. Choose healthy carbs such as vegetables, including starchy veggies like dried beans, peas, lentils, sweet potatoes, and winter squash, and true whole grains like barley, buckwheat, millet, steel-cut oats, or wild rice.

Plateau Buster #4: Build Muscle, and Make It Work
It’s easy to go cardio happy, spending an hour or two on a beautiful morning walk and skipping the weight training altogether. But muscle uses more calories to maintain itself than other body tissue.
So while you may burn 300 or so calories on that brisk walk, you could be torching more calories throughout the rest of the day if you’re packing more muscle on your body with regular weight training.

Try compound exercises—moves that involve more than one joint, such as squats, lunges, and leg presses—to activate more total muscle, increasing both calorie burn and strength.

Experiment with using free weights rather than exercise machines. Weight machines isolate a joint, thus working a single muscle or muscle group, while free weights enlist other muscles throughout the body to maintain stability, form, and alignment. More muscles working means more calories being burned.

Plateau Buster #5: Make Your Calories Confusing
Another idea to overcome weight loss plateaus is to bamboozle your metabolism. To do this, mix up the calories you’re taking in. One day, eat a few hundred calories less than your normal intake. The next day, eat a few hundred more.

That way your body doesn’t know how many calories are coming in on any given day so it keeps working every day to keep up the calorie burn. Just make sure that your calorie intake for the entire week stays below the number you need for weight loss.

Plateau Buster #6: Forget About the Numbers
Weight loss isn’t just about the scale. Okay, sure it’s important. But it doesn’t tell the whole story. Take a look at the bigger picture… the other strides that you’ve made.

Maybe you could only run 10 minutes on the treadmill last month but now you can run 15. Maybe your pants fit just the tiniest bit better now. Perhaps you have more pep in your step, you’re able to play with your children or grandchildren without getting winded. Your blood pressure is down, you’re sleeping better at night.

All these things count too! Embrace them and celebrate all your accomplishments. You may just find being patient is all you need to start that scale moving again.

Plateau Buster #7: Cut Out Fruit
It may sound surprising, but fruit can keep the scale stuck. Fruit contains high amounts of a specific type of sugar called fructose. And too much fructose can shift your liver into overdrive, which ramps up fat production.

The result is a double whammy: higher levels of blood lipids (not good for your heart health) AND more belly fat.

Try cutting fruits out for a week or two and see if that makes the scale less stagnant.

I hope I’ve given you a few fun things to try to get that scale going downward again. If you have any other ideas, I’d love to hear them.

Be sure to comment here and let me know your thoughts.